It’s that time of year again where we focus on what we might do in the new year; the same resolutions are made and inevitably most are abandoned before the end of January. We’ve all been there, deciding to give up alcohol for a healthier life or start something new to get fit, such as joining a gym or find a new challenge to help keep us active.
If you have a new year goal in mind and want to make sure you can stay on course you need to look for positive ways to succeed.
Once you’ve made up your mind what you want to do, you need a plan of action – maybe you’ve always wanted to have a go at a triathlon, dualthon, or aquathlon and not known where to start. Or maybe you would really like to improve your run time. With a plan you are far more likely to succeed and continue your new regime long after January.
Ease yourself into whatever plan you have – often people start in January at full throttle and very quickly run out of steam, so start sensibly with a view to being able to sustain what you start.
Make sure your goal is realistic and try to get support from family and friends by letting them know what you’d like to achieve – with other people’s support and encouragement you are far more likely to achieve your goal.
You could hire a coach to help you – being accountable to someone can really help keep you on track; they will have the knowledge and experience you’ll need to help you reach your goal and help keep you motivated if your own enthusiasm slips.
If you are planning a new fitness challenge for 2019 Amphibian coaches are here to help you whether it be in multi discipline events such as triathlon, duathlon or aquathlon; we can also help with a single discipline such as swim, bike or run and are also qualified to offer nutritional advice.
Our coaches are experienced in writing training plans for all disciplines not just triathlon. You may want to run your first 5km, or be in search of that half marathon PB – we can help get you over the finish line. We have experience working with athletes who have just started out, through to GB age groupers and people who have been doing it for years!
So, what’s holding you back, get out there and take control of your 2019!