One of the most important things to do at this time of year is to plan your Annual Training Plan (ATP). Without a plan you wont know when or how to build fitness for your important races of 2025.
If you are a coached athlete this is the time to get together with your coach and discuss your plans for 2025.
If you are self-coached then start looking at booking your races so as not to miss out; this will also give you direction and added motivation when returning to fully structured training sessions.
Consistency is a key aspect of training and it also one of the biggest mistakes self-coached athletes make. Without a clear plan you are more likely to dip in and out of training and never find your true potential.
Don’t start your training too late – you will need time to build a good foundation, giving your body time to adapt. For example, if you are attempting your first full Ironman, ideally you’ll need to give yourself at least 7 months. That’s assuming you’ve been developing your triathlon skills over the previous year(s), building from sprint/standard to 70.3.
By working out your annual training plan you’ll be able to look at how much time you have to train, plot your goal A race(s), allow yourself to build fitness and produce your peak performance come race day.
You should include recovery weeks, as well as family holidays or events, work commitments, social events etc. This will allow you to see the big picture, all of which will have an impact on your training.
If you have all these things mapped out you can design your training around them, helping you to be more consistent and reach your potential.
Amphibian triathlon coaches use Training Peaks to plan athletes ATPs, to track their progress, to help them train smartly and ultimately to achieve their goals.
If you are looking for help with your 2025 season, our professional British Triathlon qualified coaches are here to guide you whatever your race distance or ability.

For more information contact us today!